Upcoming Events

Christmas Wreath Making Workshops

Christmas Wreath Making Workshops

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop// Sat 3 & Sun 4 December Sat 3 Dec, 1-3pm & Sun 4 Dec, 4-6pm Make your own Christmas Wreath with native foliage with ‘Stephanie Belle Botanical’.  Designed to dry naturally for you to enjoy in the lead up to and throughout Christmas. Materials supplied, but feel free to bring your own secateurs and native foliage if…



Playgroup // During school terms Tuesdays 10am Each Tuesday during the school term you can enjoy music, craft and community onsite at our facility. Run by our Playgroup Coordinator, Tiffany, your 0-5 year-old child(ren) can enjoy inside and outside play with their peers while you connect with other parents, carers, grandparents. Fees are $5 per family per week, payable in…

Playgroup online

Playgroup online

Playgroup//Term 1 2021 Starting Tuesday 9 February Each Tuesday during the school term you can enjoy music, craft and community onsite at our facility. Run by our Playgroup Coordinator, Tiffany, your child(ren) can enjoy inside and outside play with their peers while you connect with other parents, carers, grandparents. A once-off term fee of $35 per family is requested. 10-11:30am.…