About Us

Welcome to Ringwood Church of Christ

We believe that everyone is made in God’s image and is loved by God, regardless of status, identity, orientation or creed. We welcome everyone and would love to get to know you more and hear about your story.

As a community we want to be the body of Christ in our neighbourhood, speaking the words of Christ, and acting out of the compassion and grace of Christ.

Who We Are

Ringwood Church of Christ is a community of faith who love God and love people. We believe that everyone is made in God’s image and is loved by God, regardless of background, wealth, race, status, identity, orientation or creed. We welcome everyone.
Jesus is central in our lives. This transforms us towards a wholehearted and abundant life in Christ. We seek to live out His peace.
Together we strive to be the body of Christ in our neighbourhood and beyond. With Christ as our model, we speak and act out Jesus’ compassion and grace.

What We Believe

As a church we exist for mission. Our three key pillars are Mission, Community, and Formation and Jesus is central to all. Worship is the foundation which powers our forward momentum in these three areas.
Silouette of 3 people on blue background


We are committed to being present to God, self and others; this is community. Community looks like welcome, hospitality, care, wellbeing, connection, and belonging.
Outline of two open hands on a blue background


We are committed to living for others and seeking the flourishing of all people and communities. Mission looks like demonstrating mercy and compassion, pursuing justice, being active in advocacy and in wholehearted witness.
Outline of three birds on blue background


We are committed to being transformed by the Holy Spirit and helping others experience spiritual transformation. Formation looks like learning, growing, experiential and spiritual practices, accountability, prayer, scripture.

Our Values

Authenticity – living in ways that are consistent with our beliefs and values
Humility – seeing ourselves honestly
Diversity – celebrating the richness of our differences
Inclusion – welcoming everyone
Unity – holding what we can in common

Safe Places

At Ringwood Church of Christ we believe that all people are loved by God and we follow Christ’s example in loving, protecting and respecting everyone. We are committed to being a safe place for the inclusion and empowerment of all people, and believe everyone has the right to have their views and opinions valued, especially on matters that directly affect them. We are being proactive in reducing risk for children, young people and adults, particularly the most vulnerable by having specific policies, procedures and training in place so that we can achieve this commitment. We value diversity and will continue to train and equip our leaders for the safety of all within our influence.
Ringwood Church of Christ prioritises the safety and wellbeing of children and does not tolerate abuse, harm, discrimination or racism towards any individual. We believe in the right to cultural safety for all people, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children as they express their culture, spirituality and unique identity. We are committed to ensuring that all children are valued and protected whilst participating in our program or services and using our facilities.


Weekly Worship Resources

Worship is our foundation together. We gather in person at our chapel and online via Facebook Live for worship, community and hope. Our worship is contemporary, intergenerational, authentic, invitational, and Jesus-centred. It includes a focus on Scripture, prayer and communion.

Worship is for everyone.

Life Groups for Incarnational Living

Life groups are central to our experience of community care. They are small clusters of encouragement, support and prayer, which help us to be engaged in discipleship and mission.

Our Team

Kaye Reid
Director of Ministries

Kaye Reid

John Robinson
Ministry Leader - Formation

John Robinson

Debbie Brewster head shot
Community Care Coordinator

Debbie Brewster

Tiffany Gilmour head shot
Community Engagement Coordinator

Tiffany Gilmour

Brendan Petty

Brendan Petty

Assisted by:

Janine Wilson – Administration & Communications Manager

Anne Morley – HR and Office Support

Kathryn Moss – Bookkeeper


Mark Nettelbeck and Natalie Robson (co-chairs), Elise Moss, Cameron Palmer, Alex Murray and Rosanne Arnott

Churches of Christ

Churches of Christ in Australia is a movement of more than 400 Communities of Hope and Compassion, spread across Australia embedded in their neighbourhoods as signs, witnesses and a foretaste of the Kingdom of God. Ringwood Church of Christ is affiliated with Churches of Christ in Victoria & Tasmania.

Emmanuel Christian Church Melbourne

We share our facilities with Emmanuel Christian Church, Melbourne (ECCM).

ECCM are a community of Falam Chin Christians (a minority ethnic group from northwest Burma) who established a church in Ringwood in December 2007.

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